in app adv


Since I was already the owner of the UX/UI project for the 45° minuto Quiz, I produced several ADV screens for the Samsung brand, with the goal of running them within the Quiz. The work was commissioned by 45° minuto, and I created both static and dynamic (video) graphi for Samsung. Therefore, I had the opportunity and responsibility to handle project files directly from the team of the company.

Not at all obvious

Definitely not obvious? Creating a reserved ADV in general for an app. We’re not talking about common formats and resolutions, but rather something that is often very cramped for the graphics and elements that need to be included. Additionally, there can be various dynamics such as animations that occasionally overshadow the graphics and/or other disruptive elements.

In the case of 45° minuto, the challenge was the different formats of various phones combined with a highly adaptive UI in terms of resizing. This was because, in earlier times, when it wasn’t yet commonly done, the CTO of the app and I developed fully customized resizing logic for the UI, using only percentages and no pixel units.

However, this meant that the production of advertising material could only be done by me, as any other graphic designer unfamiliar with the app lacked the necessary know-how. On the plus side, this allowed me to handle PSD files from major clients and see how the top designers at major companies work and organize their projects.

Production times

Additionally, it should be noted that the production times for these major brands are always very tight and demanding. Therefore, all the material required a lot of precision and attention during production to avoid rework and delays that would have prevented us from meeting the quiz deadlines.

Guidelines and restrictions of major brands

These major brands always come with an endless array of restrictions. Things that cannot be mentioned or alluded to, neither in text nor in graphics. Proprietary fonts, colors within a certain range, proprietary techniques for shading or highlighting certain elements. And much more, as it should be. Since the brand is designed by one team but then various advertising and image adaptations are taken on by graphic designers from all over the world.

And this is why being a designer also requires a certain legal knowledge and understanding of copyright and image rights. Furthermore, one must be able to navigate through all these bureaucratic hurdles. This is why Fusaro Design Associates boasts significant expertise both in adhering to these guidelines when working on existing major brands and in creating brand identity and guidelines for subsequent teams. Precisely because we have extensive experience with major brands and their proprietary graphics. Therefore, we offer turnkey brand identity solutions that do not require our ongoing involvement.

Our hand or success?

Not always is putting your own stylistic touch the best choice. Any design studio you enter will make you throw away everything you’ve done before because they do it better!

I’ll let you in on a secret: sometimes, that’s not the case. At FDA, if we ask you to change something about your brand, we’ll tell you why and explain in detail why what you already have isn’t working. Otherwise? We’ll stick to the style set by previous studios and still create something that works. In large brands especially, like Samsung for example, studios that adhere strictly to brand guidelines and can technically deliver the work 100% in line with the brand image are highly valued.

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